Sunday, May 30, 2010

Boeuf Bourguignon

Okay - So it's beef stew. How hard could it be? Take the bull by the horns and get my Sundays with Julia off to a proper start.

Quite possibly the most complicated stew recipe I've ever seen. Composed a list of ingredients and off to the market Joe goes to get them for me. Although the tomatoe paste in a tube still eludes us he did well. He did however find parsley in a tube...... (I didn't ask for that)

I have two quips about Ms Child's recipe. Step 11 calls for "Braised brown onions (recipe page 583) and step 13 calls for sauteed brown mushrooms (page something or other). Good thing I'm a nerd and read the recipe in it's entirety first or I wouldn't have known to take 50 minutes to brown braise my onions first.

I finally assemble my prepped ingredients into my casserole and plop them in the oven. BTW Joe thinks my casserole dish is not large enough and we have much debate about that.

3 hours of intoxicating smells later? Voila! Ms Julia is my new best friend! THAT was the best beef stew I've ever eaten! Sweets went for seconds and I'm not allowed to take any to share at work. LOL!

A success!


  1. OMG Rach, does that look delicious!! So rich and hearty! Ditto the "reading in its entirety" comment - that could have been a real bummer.

    MMMMmmm....I swear I'm drooling on my keyboard right now! LOL!

  2. Ditto... my mouth actually watered! I really should get Alana this book for her upcoming birthday. Maybe she'll cook for me.. LOL!

  3. It looks so yummy!! Wish blogland made it so we could smell it too. :) Can't wait to see what's next!!

  4. It looks so yummy :)
    Wonderful first post.
