First off - black and white peppercorns do not crack equally easily. I suspect my next cup of freshly ground coffee will have interesting flavor.
The steak was excellent, the flamed sauce divine. I had concerns as I researched that it was going to be some dish that was ALL about the sauce. It wasn't. And even though it pooled a bit in my plate? A perfect compliment to the steak. Not overtaking the dish.
Now - My biggest surprise of this day's cooking was the side dish I chose to make. The tomatoes!
Fresh and delicious! I've always been a fan of roasting fresh produce - I guess Julia was way ahead of me. ;)
I had to do the haricot vert just because I don't know how to make "squash" sound French.
A success. :) Bon Appetite!
p.s. I don't know if Julia had any feelings about the Dutch. I do know that the lady at the check out line today handing out samples of Dutch apple pie suggested French vanilla icecream to go with it. Who was i to argue?